pp108 : Categories and Severity Levels

Categories and Severity Levels

This topic describes the categories and severity levels of the logging framework.

Process Platform provides a classification of error messages that enables the developer to categorize the error messages and assign an appropriate security level to the same. Process Platform ships with predefined categories that are used for internal purposes. Developers of application connectors can define their custom categories.

When developing custom categories, do the following:

  • Mention the connector name in the category name
  • For the Log4J categories, apply a naming scheme similar to Java classes and packages.

 For monitoring purposes, all relevant alerts are documented in the Alert Repository for Process Platform. For more information, see Understanding Alert System.


You can assign severity levels to the categories whien configuring the service container. Each log category falls into a defined severity level. Severities allows you to filter the log message for each category. For example, the severity level for category com.eibus.security.acl can be 'Fatal', while that for com.eibus.license could be 'Warn'. 

The following severity levels are defined for each category:




Log messages for developers and support personnel for debugging the application and detecting the cause for the error.


Log messages for the operators. For each application connector, try to log requests and responses with severity information.


Log messages for errors caused by incorrect user inputs and ignorable errors.


Log messages for exceptions and errors


Log messages for critical errors, Service Container being stopped, application crashing, and so on.


  • The framework supports severity levels higher than that configured. For example, if the severity level is configured to Warn, the logger logs all the Severities that are higher than Warn.
  • If the severity of type Info is enabled for each application connector, the request and response is logged in that context.



Related concepts

Logger Context

Related tasks

Viewing Log Messages using the Log Viewer

Related information

Composite Application Logging